Well we're all safely back in the USA after three flights starting in Asuncion Paraguay to Sao Paulo Brazil, Miami and finally Dulles and Home. The trip may be over, but the memories will last for a life time. During our time in South America our group transitioned from a group traveling together to a group of friends that I hope will last for a long time. Yes it was HOT, but I don't think that affected our enjoyment of the experience one iota.
The opportunity to be immersed in a different culture is something that is priceless, and our experience our ones that I don't think any of us will soon forget. From visiting the native Paraguayan Indian reservation and joining in on a native dance, to our side trip to Iguaco National Park in Brazil and seeing 127 waterfalls on one tremendous journey through the park, each is a memory that will last forever.
Our last few days saw us travel south from Asuncion to the city of Encarnacion for a night of good food and good friends, and then north west the next day to Cuidad Del Este, where Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil all come together. We returned to Asuncion for one final night and a wonderful dinner hosted by Jay Gonzalez's father and several Paraguayan SU friends, (who I'm not naming at this point for fear of misspelling their names.) We were greatly relieved that one of our members, Marykay Hester, after suffering a swollen ankle much of the week, was give a clean bill of health after a visit to a local Asuncion hospital. According to Mary Kay, the care was fantastic.
I can't say enough Joaquin "Jay" Gonzalez and how he made our experience in a foreign country so much easier. To say "Thank You" just doesn't seem enough. Also the warmth and openness afforded to us by Jay's parents, father Jose and mother Silvia, we will remember them with great fondness. Both will be visiting the US in the next several months, and hopefully we will welcome them as warmly as they did us.
So now we retire to our memories, pictures and videos, and remember the trip of a lifetime. I have to say that the GCP program offers us at Shenandoah amazing opportunities to truly learn what global citizenship is all about. What did I learn from this trip? That deep down all people, Hispanic, Asian, Indian or American have many similarities, we just have to get past the language barrier and that is one thing I plan to do. After being in a Spanish speaking country and how many people in the world, now speak that language, I am going to learn the language. Not just for me, but for those that I will meet in the future. It's a small world, and it's getting smaller all the time, so we need to embrace global citizenship. As I said once and I'll say it again, "GCP it's not just fun, it's an adventure."
Signing off and fade to black.
Rick Ours
Monday, March 14, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Update on GCP Paraguay/Argentina/Brazil
As you will note from the title of todays program, we have decided to change our name. As I mentioned in yesterdays post, we crossed over into Argentina for about an hour during the visit to South America's 2nd largest hydroelectric plant. Today took us on a truly memorable trip into Brazil. More on that in a minute, but hence the name change.
We left what has turned out to be the best hotel of our trip, early this morning in Encarnacion and made our way north west up along the Parana River to the city of Cuidad del Este, which sits just across the river from Brazil. On our way up country we made a stop at a set of Jesuit Ruins dating from the early 1700s. It was a fascinating tour that took us through the history of Jesuits in Paraguay. We arrived in Cuidad Del Este around 12 noon and had lunch in a combination Esso station and restaurant. Most of you don;t remember Esso, but it was Exxon's name through most of the 50's, 60's abd early 70's.
The highlight of the name was a trip, made possible by our connections in Paraguay, to cross the river border into Brazil and spend 5 wonderful hours in the Brazilian National Park of Iguacu. There we took a 1300 meter hike down into a canyon with more waterfalls than any of us have seen in our lives. Spectacular, Wonderful, Awesome were just some of the words used by the group to describe this experience. And not only were we witnessing dozens of waterfalls of all sizes, but we were also in the Brazillian rainforest. We all came away soaked to the skin both from the humidity, but also from the opportunity to get within about 25 feet of the giant falls. So now a little R&R (and a good shower) until dinner.
Tomorrow we travel back to Asuncion for our last night in Paraguay, and a reception being hosted by our Paraguyan friends of Shenandoah. GCP it's not just fun, it's an ADVENTURE.
Rick Ours
We left what has turned out to be the best hotel of our trip, early this morning in Encarnacion and made our way north west up along the Parana River to the city of Cuidad del Este, which sits just across the river from Brazil. On our way up country we made a stop at a set of Jesuit Ruins dating from the early 1700s. It was a fascinating tour that took us through the history of Jesuits in Paraguay. We arrived in Cuidad Del Este around 12 noon and had lunch in a combination Esso station and restaurant. Most of you don;t remember Esso, but it was Exxon's name through most of the 50's, 60's abd early 70's.
The highlight of the name was a trip, made possible by our connections in Paraguay, to cross the river border into Brazil and spend 5 wonderful hours in the Brazilian National Park of Iguacu. There we took a 1300 meter hike down into a canyon with more waterfalls than any of us have seen in our lives. Spectacular, Wonderful, Awesome were just some of the words used by the group to describe this experience. And not only were we witnessing dozens of waterfalls of all sizes, but we were also in the Brazillian rainforest. We all came away soaked to the skin both from the humidity, but also from the opportunity to get within about 25 feet of the giant falls. So now a little R&R (and a good shower) until dinner.
Tomorrow we travel back to Asuncion for our last night in Paraguay, and a reception being hosted by our Paraguyan friends of Shenandoah. GCP it's not just fun, it's an ADVENTURE.
Rick Ours
Sweden Nothern Lights and Ice Hotel
Sweden Day One
Our eight-hour long initial flight (and first flight for one of our members) was panic-attack-free and an overall success. Though the shakeup that resulted from the trip’s six-hour jump forward in time left many of our members sleep deprived and ripe for jet lag, our connecting flight from Copenhagen to Stockholm provided a much-needed power nap to most everyone. After we got off the airplane, we took a spacious and comfortable train from the airport into the heart of Stockholm. We trekked around Stockholm to get to our hostel—a ship called the AF Chapman that is moored in the waters of the city’s harbor—on a pretty extensive march with our caravan of rolling luggage. We dropped our bags off at the reception building and went back into the city to sightsee. Though the weather was fair for the area, wind and shade contributed to a fair amount of chilly stretches that pushed the temperature just past the point of being comfortable, even in our many layers. We arrived at a walking mall and split into two groups to dine on street food and café sandwiches for lunch, both options being fairly pricey, before reconvening and setting out to continue our sightseeing. We wandered through the narrow alleyways and stopped to admire the small mom-and-pop stores as well as Stockholm’s grander feats of architecture on our way between sites such as the Medieval Museum of Stockholm, two historic churches, and the Royal Palace of Stockholm. As we prepared to move on from the palace, however, we noticed that the guards standing before the palace had begun to call out to one another and march. A military ceremony of some sort took place over the next five minutes as we looked on. After the conclusion of this service, we were even able to snap a few pictures with a kindly guardsman at his post. We bid the gentleman goodbye and proceeded onto the Stockholm City Museum, where we found shelter from the ever-dropping temperature as well as some interesting models and facts about the city’s history before leaving to make our dinner reservation. The medieval-themed Sjåtte Tunnan served these hungry (and increasingly weary) travelers a grand and delicious medieval feast of several different dishes in an atmosphere of crude wooden tables, stone walls, candle lighting, and notes challenging patrons to eat their food the medieval way—without the aid of silverware. We bonded over the extravagant festivities and recalled our exciting, tiresome day. Then, almost as if to wake up those of us who were drifting off into sleep-deprived stupors, our waiter proceeded to dazzle us with an impromptu indoor fire-breathing display before dessert. As the dinner drew to a close, however, many of us were inevitably overwhelmed by our exhaustion. We paid our tab, trekked across the darkened streets of Stockholm once more, and retired to our rooms aboard the hostel.
Christopher George
On Dasher, On Dancer….
Have you ever imagined what it feels like to be Santa Claus, being pulled on a sled behind nine reindeer??? Me neither. However, during our one of a kind stay at the Reindeer Lodge outside Kiruna, Sweden, this long spoken tradition became a reality. Reindeer have long been an important component of the livelihood of the Sami people, who are indigenous to Lappland, the northern region of Sweden. Their hide is used as means to stay warm, their antlers as tools, and their meat for sustenance. In the span of twelve hours with the Sami people we fell in love with the reindeer and the people’s simple way of life. Reindeer are seemingly gentle in nature and welcomed us with open antlers. We started our encounter by sharing a lunch of Sami bread and reindeer meat in a teepee warmed by a wood fire. The smell of the burning birch wood made for a warm home-like feeling that lingered for hours. The meat was very lean and had a taste similar to pastrami. The savory smoked flavor enveloped each taste bud individually and made it jump for joy. The next part of our reindeer adventure was racing each other around a track driving reindeer sleds. We each had the unique opportunity to individually drive the reindeer and yell “AY AY” to get them to go faster. Some of the reindeer were moving at school bus speed while others raced off as though they were a ferrari. After taking our reindeer for a quick spin we had the chance to bond with them. While some of our group members were reindeer whisperers, others seemed to be wearing reindeer repellant, causing the animals to bolt the other way. We hand fed them reindeer lichen, a moss that is found in their natural environment that they seemed to enjoy. Following this we pow wow’ed in the tee pee and enjoyed blueberry muffins, homemade by our Sami guide Nils’s wife. We warmed up with reindeer hides and enjoyed coffee while intently listening to Nils tell stories of his culture and traditions.
GCP Bahamas update

Other than some sea sickness, we had a great day and are excited to wake up early to go to school tomorrow!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
PS Encanacion
Not that we're trying to compete with the Australia trip who we hear have feasted on crocodile and kangaroo, our dinner this evening featured a local delicacy, which according to Jay Gonzalez consists of pig intestines stuffed with ground up various internal organs. Everyone had a taste, some enjoyed it more than others. But there was ice cream too!!
On a late night stroll we ran into another American, who attracted by our english approached us. He turned out to be a Peace Corps volunteer from upstate NY, on a 4 year commitment to work with thos who live in the barios of Encarnacion. We exchanged emails and hope to stay in-touch.
On a late night stroll we ran into another American, who attracted by our english approached us. He turned out to be a Peace Corps volunteer from upstate NY, on a 4 year commitment to work with thos who live in the barios of Encarnacion. We exchanged emails and hope to stay in-touch.
On the Road to Encarnacion
After leaving Asuncion very early this morning, we spent most of the day traveling through the beautiful Paraguyan countryside. The lush and green country could easily resemble Virginia except for the occassional clumps of palm trees. Horses, cows and sheep seem to wonder anywhere they want to, including along the road side.
Our first stop of the day, was for breakfast about an hour and a half out of Ausuncion. We dined on freshly baked cheese and corn empanadas and a variety of juices. A small store next door stocked us up with water and even Oreo cookies.
We drove on for a few more hours just enjoying the wonderful views, (and ofcourse the air conditioning.) Lunch was at what I would describe as a Paraguyan version of a road house restaurant. Nothing fancy, but loaded with local charm. The decorators from Cracker Barrel would have loved to shop here as the walls were hung with everthing from a stuffed python and various animal horns to guitars, hats and nuch more. We ate what has become a bit if a favorite of ours and that is Sarubie, a large fish caught in both the Paraguay and Parana River.
In the afternoon we toured the 2nd largest hydroelectric dam in South America. It was truly a technological marvel. As we were on restricted government land, (with atour guide,) we made a brief crossover into Argentina.
So now we are safely in Encarnacion at the southern tip of Paraguay. Entering the city almost everyone in the group commented that this city has a very different vibe from Asuncion. While Asuncion is very cosmospolitan, Encarnacion seems to have a bit more polish to it. The hotel we're stayinh at for the night is very nice and comfortable, with a pool and hot tub we hope to make use of later tonight.
So Encarnacion tonight and part of tomorrow and then on to Cuidad Del Este. More later.
Rick Ours
Our first stop of the day, was for breakfast about an hour and a half out of Ausuncion. We dined on freshly baked cheese and corn empanadas and a variety of juices. A small store next door stocked us up with water and even Oreo cookies.
We drove on for a few more hours just enjoying the wonderful views, (and ofcourse the air conditioning.) Lunch was at what I would describe as a Paraguyan version of a road house restaurant. Nothing fancy, but loaded with local charm. The decorators from Cracker Barrel would have loved to shop here as the walls were hung with everthing from a stuffed python and various animal horns to guitars, hats and nuch more. We ate what has become a bit if a favorite of ours and that is Sarubie, a large fish caught in both the Paraguay and Parana River.
In the afternoon we toured the 2nd largest hydroelectric dam in South America. It was truly a technological marvel. As we were on restricted government land, (with atour guide,) we made a brief crossover into Argentina.
So now we are safely in Encarnacion at the southern tip of Paraguay. Entering the city almost everyone in the group commented that this city has a very different vibe from Asuncion. While Asuncion is very cosmospolitan, Encarnacion seems to have a bit more polish to it. The hotel we're stayinh at for the night is very nice and comfortable, with a pool and hot tub we hope to make use of later tonight.
So Encarnacion tonight and part of tomorrow and then on to Cuidad Del Este. More later.
Rick Ours
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
This is GCP Paraguay checking in, from poolside at the Gonzalez villa. The last three days have been extremely busy days touring Asuncion and the surrounding country side. We typically start the day around 8:30 and get back at our hotel around midnight. The days have been very warm, mostly in the upper 80's with high humidity. Yesterday was an especially scorching day, in the upper 90's. I think we are adapting well to the heat, thanks to Jay Gonzalez introducing us to a popular (non-alcoholic) drink called derere.
We have been shopping in local craft markets to very upscale Tyson like malls. Yesterday we visited the Makaa Indian tribe a native Paraguayan population. They performed a number of native dances, one of which many of our group joined in. Today (Tuesday) with visited the Presidential Palace and the congress of Paraguay where we met Shenandoah University graduate and current national Senator Hugo Estigarria.
Asuncion is definitely a city of contrasts, very cosmopolitan in certain areas of the and almost like driving in any city in the US. While other areas belay the undercurrent of poverty that you find in most any large world city. Tomorrow we leave on an almost 5 hour trip into the countryside to city of Encarnacion, then on Thursday we travel to Cuidad Del Este where Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil meet at one spot. Then back to Asuncion for one final night.
One comment on the food it is FABULOUS!! The best Meat (Asada) and wonderful fish that come out of the Paraguay river. I will be uploading pictures and video on Facebook when time allows. So for now back to the pool.
We have been shopping in local craft markets to very upscale Tyson like malls. Yesterday we visited the Makaa Indian tribe a native Paraguayan population. They performed a number of native dances, one of which many of our group joined in. Today (Tuesday) with visited the Presidential Palace and the congress of Paraguay where we met Shenandoah University graduate and current national Senator Hugo Estigarria.
Asuncion is definitely a city of contrasts, very cosmopolitan in certain areas of the and almost like driving in any city in the US. While other areas belay the undercurrent of poverty that you find in most any large world city. Tomorrow we leave on an almost 5 hour trip into the countryside to city of Encarnacion, then on Thursday we travel to Cuidad Del Este where Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil meet at one spot. Then back to Asuncion for one final night.
One comment on the food it is FABULOUS!! The best Meat (Asada) and wonderful fish that come out of the Paraguay river. I will be uploading pictures and video on Facebook when time allows. So for now back to the pool.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
GCP Sweden, Ethiopia, and Australia arrive
GCP Sweden reports that they arrived safely and enjoyed a great first day. They will be traveling to the far northern town of Kiruna tonight in pursuit of the Northern Lights.
GCP Ethiopia has also arrived safely. You can read more about their journey at participant George Hoffman's blog.
With the longest flight of any group this year, GCP Australia has finally arrived in Sydney. More details at their GCP Australia group blog.
GCP Ethiopia has also arrived safely. You can read more about their journey at participant George Hoffman's blog.
With the longest flight of any group this year, GCP Australia has finally arrived in Sydney. More details at their GCP Australia group blog.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Team Paraguay Day 1
After traveling several thousand miles and three different flights, team Paraguay arrived in the capital city of Asuncion at miday on Saturday. The climate change from what we left in Winchester (35 degrees and cold) was in stark contrast to what welcomed us to Paraguay. Todays temperatures were in the mid 80's but the humidity is a constitantly high. After arriveing at the Asuncion Palace Hotel, a charming 1885 building chock full of Paraguyan history, we checked in quickly and went about a few housekeeping and getting settled items.
For Dinner our guide and SU student and Paraguyan native Jay Gonzalez and his father Jose took us to a wonderful (air conditioned) restaurant where we dined on a number of local favorites.
After dinner we were taken to an Asuncion professional football game (we call it soccer,) that was so exciting no a member of the group failed to jump to their feet to support the Olympic team, a local favorite.
On tap for tomorrow, shopping at a local market and a visit to some Indian ruins. So stay Tuned.
Rick Ours
For Dinner our guide and SU student and Paraguyan native Jay Gonzalez and his father Jose took us to a wonderful (air conditioned) restaurant where we dined on a number of local favorites.
After dinner we were taken to an Asuncion professional football game (we call it soccer,) that was so exciting no a member of the group failed to jump to their feet to support the Olympic team, a local favorite.
On tap for tomorrow, shopping at a local market and a visit to some Indian ruins. So stay Tuned.
Rick Ours
GCP Paraguay has arrived in Asuncion
The Paraguay group reports that they have arrived in Asuncion and checked into their hotel.
Bahamas group has departed
The GCP Bahamas participants loaded into the vans at the early hour of 4 am to head to the airport. All groups are now en route!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Four groups have departed
Braving the dark and cold, GCP Ethiopia headed off campus early Friday morning to catch their flight to Addis Ababa. They were followed several hours later by the Australia and Paraguay groups. GCP Sweden was the last group to leave on Friday, and they are at the airport checking in now. In the wee hours of Saturday morning, GCP Bahamas will be the last group to start their adventure. Stay tuned for updates...
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Getting ready....
Just testing the blogging..... Amy, here, finishing up work at school and then going home to hug my kids really hard while I pack and get organized! I cannot wait!
One Step Closer

(I have mirrored my blogging at two sites:
One is on the Northern Virginia Daily's site at http://www.nvdaily.com/journeys/.
The other, more personally styled one is at http://walkamileinmymerrells.blogspot.com/.)
About the packing thing…I think I may have it licked! I went through my clothes tonight and made some decisions as to what I would actually take with me. I ironed a few shirts, got everything folded, picked out the suitcase I’ll use, and gathered most of the incidentals like toiletries, sunscreen, and insect repellent. Now, if I can just fit everything in the suitcase! I really should put everything in my suitcase, and have my wife put a lock on it so that I can’t change my mind about anything inside! Usually if I plan this far ahead, I tend to second-guess and question myself, and that leads to something stupid like, “Maybe I should take khakis instead of jeans.” OK, I’m going to stop right there. I will not change my mind. I will not change my mind. I will not change my mind!
I transferred my camera, batteries and charger, and SD cards over to my new camera hip bag. I pulled out my travel backpack that will neatly fit either into the overhead compartments or under the seat. I tracked down the neoprene sleeve that works best with my laptop, and makes passing everything through security at the airport a lot easier. I went through my dop kit and took out all unnecessary items and added a few small things that are needed. It’s finally starting to sink in that we actually leave in two days for Ethiopia!
The final GCP pre-travel meeting was this past Sunday afternoon and when we broke out into our separate groups, our team had the chance to ask questions and discuss things we may have been wondering or worrying about. I felt a great sense of relief throughout the group as we said our goodbyes and left that meeting! Off I went to the store to pick up a waterproof rain jacket and a travel umbrella to ward off the possible early spring rains, something I hadn’t, until this meeting, even thought about. Quite coincidentally, I ran into two of my travel mates in the store picking up last-minute items too!
We have been given our itinerary for the trip. It includes a trip to the Rift Valley, and the museum there that contains the remains of “Lucy,” the first-known upright-walking homo sapiens, first discovered in 1974; a day-long excursion out to the mouth of the Blue Nile and the Nile River Gorge; visits to the university, the hospital, and one of the embassies; and a trek though the ‘Mecato,’ one of the largest open-air markets in the world. There are also some flexible times built into our schedule for both rest and unplanned activities. I think it’s safe to say that the whole group is pretty excited about all the possibilities!
Next on my list….and boy, do I have a list…do some quick research on jet lag (we have an 18-hour flight) and altitude sickness (the city of Addis Ababa is situated in an extinct volcano at about 8000 feet). Wish me luck!
George Hoffman
GCP 2011 adventures start tomorrow!
Now in its seventh year, the Global Citizenship Project (GCP) at Shenandoah University will send 65 of the campus community to five destinations around the world during the university’s spring break, March 7 – 11. This year’s destinations include Australia, the Bahamas, Ethiopia, Paraguay, and Sweden.

The Global Citizenship Project was created in 2005 to offer members of the campus community the opportunity to travel – all expenses paid – during spring break as a way to add to their educational and professional development. The participants are members of the Shenandoah community, including students, faculty, staff and others, who completed applications that were reviewed by a selection committee from the university. Applicants must be prepared to go anywhere in the world, and the actual destinations to which participants were assigned to travel were announced after they were notified of their selection for GCP.
Follow along with the Bahamas, Ethiopia, Paraguay and Sweden trips right here on this blog. For more details on GCP Australia, click here for their group website.

The Global Citizenship Project was created in 2005 to offer members of the campus community the opportunity to travel – all expenses paid – during spring break as a way to add to their educational and professional development. The participants are members of the Shenandoah community, including students, faculty, staff and others, who completed applications that were reviewed by a selection committee from the university. Applicants must be prepared to go anywhere in the world, and the actual destinations to which participants were assigned to travel were announced after they were notified of their selection for GCP.
Follow along with the Bahamas, Ethiopia, Paraguay and Sweden trips right here on this blog. For more details on GCP Australia, click here for their group website.
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